Four Characteristic Dimensions Meeting in the PANAM North Sub-Zone
Four Characteristic Dimensions Meeting in the PANAM North Sub-Zone
This meeting was held in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi from 24 to 26 September, 2019. There were 15- participants from the three US provinces; all the three provincials were present for the meeting.
Fr. Marcelo Cattaneo, Zonal Coordinator, was present and also a lay person from the USS province. Fr. Stanislaus Lazar, Generalate Mission Secretary represented the Generalate.
After an initial welcome, Stanislaus gave a presentation on the four characteristic dimensions elucidating their importance and their significance from the 18th General Chapter.
He pointed out the related resolutions and recommendations from the last Chapter and called for an effective and efficient action in the provinces. Marcelo too presented the importance and coordination of four dimensions in the zone and urged them to implement their plan systematically in the ministries.
Then, small groups were made to discuss the priorities for each dimension for the next three years. The priorities for each dimension were presented to the group, and after some discussion, the assembly made the action plan for each of the priorities.
Some of the main priorities were: Making our parishes an SVD parish, Inter-Province, inter-lingual cooperation in producing monthly reflections on Bible, Formation regarding JPIC; Collaboration with all the provinces in producing programs and promoting the communication ministry of Wordnet at the sub-zone level. The possibility of making Wordnet as a National communication center was also discussed.
Fr. Siprianus Ola Rotok, the mission secretary of USS province, is the coordinator for the four characteristic dimensions in this sub-zone and he organized this meeting with diligence.
Stanislaus Lazar T.
Published in the newsletter “Arnoldus Nota” – November 2019